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We are proud to provide a range of tutoring services for all school ages and abilities.

While our learning centre is based in Auckland, we have many students located around New Zealand – and a growing number of international ones too!

We understand that making the decision to hire a tutor for your child can come with a range of concerns and questions. But it’s our job to ensure that the process is as easy (and enjoyable) as possible, for both you and your child. Which is why we offer a highly personalised service, one that focuses on uncovering what works best for each of our students – rather than following a set and standard application.

Our tutors are chosen as experts in their field, and for their ability to nurture confidence in each and every one of our students. Empathetic, yet determined, they truly care about seeing your child succeed – personally and academically.

“One particular student had no confidence with maths, and it started affecting her other school subjects. After a few terms with one of our tutors, she went from being well below her year to excelling – often being called on to demonstrate something to the rest of her class. But not only that, she went from being nervous, tentative and shy into a much happier and more assured student. From dreading tests and assessments, she looked forward to going to school, all because our tutors helped to instil belief in her that she could do it after all.”

Our goal is to teach, but on that journey we often end up transforming lives.
